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 1. Bernadette Mayer  This is a list of fruits and vegetables  The Line Reading Series, The Drawing Center, NYC, 4/18/00, pt. 3 
 2. Bernadette Mayer  This is a list of fruits and vegetables  The Line Reading Series, The Drawing Center, NYC, 4/18/00, pt. 3 
 3. English Vocabulary  Fruits & Vegetables    
 4. French I Tutorial  35. Fruits, Vegetables & Meats  Indo-European Languages 
 5. French II Tutorial  35. Fruits, Vegetables & Meats  Indo-European Languages 
 6. Melanie Benson Strick - Success Connections, Inc.  Your 5 Step Plan to Turn Your To Do List into a Ta-Da! List  The Million Dollar Lifestyle Business Podcast 
 7. Tek Talk  Creating A List From A List View  Tek Talk 2007 
 8. Tek Talk  Creating A List From A List View  Tek Talk 2007 
 9. The Pop Project  Vegetables  Live @ Magic Stick 
 10. ElfOnTheTree  Vegetables   
 11. The Pop Project  Vegetables  Live @ Magic Stick 
 12. The Pop Project  Vegetables  Live @ Magic Stick 
 13. Four Color Heroines  Vegetables   
 14. Kathryn Baker  vegetables   
 15. Frothy Shakes  Ocean of Vegetables  Killed by Death #11 
 16. GST Mugwump  People Are Vegetables Too  While I Was Me 
 17. Frothy Shakes  Ocean of Vegetables  Killed by Death #11 
 18. Frances Baskerville  The Vegetables Song  Songs From The Beyond 
 19. Frothy Shakes  Ocean of Vegetables  Killed by Death #11 
 20. The Beat Boys  I Want to Hold Your Vegetables  Son of a Beachle 
 21. Frothy Shakes  Ocean of Vegetables  Killed by Death #11 
 22. GST Mugwump  Vegetables Are People Too  While I Was Me 
 23. William Janiak, R.M.T.  Do You Like Foods: Do You Like Vegetables?  More Songs About Me 
 24. The Legendary Pink Dots  And Even The Vegetables Screamed  The Golden Age  
 25. The Legendary Pink Dots  And Even The Vegetables Screamed  The Golden Age  
 26. Wordsalad  Black Vegetables  Black Vegetables 
 27. Soggy Potato Chips  Murdering the Vegetables  The Minja EP 
 28. Daniel Folmer  Vegetables And Coffee  A Leaf 
 29. Daniel Folmer  Vegetables And Coffee  A Leaf 
 30. Frothy Shakes  Ocean of Vegetables  Killed by Death #11 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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